Behind Every Happy Pet: A Tribute to Our Incredible Pet Care Staff

February, with its emphasis on love and relationships, is the perfect time to shine a spotlight on the individuals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure our pets receive the best care possible. Our pet care staff are the unsung heroes of our furry friends’ lives, and it’s high time we celebrated their dedication, […]

Holiday Travel with Pets: A Comprehensive Guide for 2023

The holiday season can be a time of excitement, reunion, and adventure. For those of us with pets, the question of how to manage their care during our travels becomes paramount. Whether you decide to bring your pet with you or opt for boarding, this guide, is designed to ease the process. Dive in for […]

Empowering Your Staff for the Festive Season: Training and Motivational Tips

The festive season is a whirlwind of activity, especially for pet care facilities. With an influx of pets due to holiday travels and festivities, the pressure on your team can mount quickly. It’s crucial to prepare your staff to meet these demands head-on, ensuring they feel confident, equipped, and valued. Let’s explore the avenues you […]

Cozy and Safe: Creating a Pet-Friendly Home Environment this Winter

Winter is a time of festivities, warmth, and coziness. However, it also introduces potential dangers for our beloved pets. As the temperature drops and we make changes to our homes and routines, pet parents need to be vigilant to ensure their furry friends are safe and comfortable. From mitigating risks in the garage to being […]

Catering to Special Dietary Needs: Holiday Edition

The holiday season is synonymous with indulgence, from decadent meals to delightful desserts. But while we humans partake in festive feasting, we must ensure our pets also enjoy the spirit of the season—safely and nutritiously. Especially for those fur babies with special dietary needs, maintaining a healthy balance during the holidays can be crucial. This […]

Gearing Up for the Holiday Hustle: Precise Tips for Pet Care Facility Owners with Kinn Inc

The holiday rush is approaching, and as pet care facility owners, preparation is your key to success. With a surge of furry guests expected, it’s paramount to optimize operations and create a seamless holiday experience. Kinn Inc has your back with these detailed and precise tips to prepare your establishment for the festive season. 1. […]

Halloween Safety: Tips and Tricks for Pet Parents

Halloween, with its playful haunts and sweet treats, is eagerly anticipated by many. But while we humans enjoy the festivities, our pets can often find themselves stressed or in potential danger. Fear not! Kinn Inc. is here to provide an in-depth guide to ensure a spook-free Halloween for your furry loved ones. 1. Pet-Friendly Decorations […]

Behavioral Changes in Pets: Understanding and Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

As the days grow shorter and the weather turns cooler, not only humans but also our beloved pets can feel the effects. Just as some people experience a dip in their mood or energy levels during the darker months, pets too can suffer from what’s known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. This guide aims […]

Preparing Your Pet Care Facility for Winter: A Comprehensive Checklist

Winter is coming. As the days grow shorter and temperatures start to plummet, preparing your pet care facility to handle the chill is essential. Pets, like humans, need warmth, comfort, and safety during the colder months. We at Kinn Inc. understand this, and that’s why we’ve prepared a comprehensive checklist to ensure your facility remains […]

Grooming Essentials: Keeping Your Pet Well-Groomed in Fall

As the rustle of falling leaves and the cozy embrace of cooler temperatures mark the beginning of fall, the grooming needs of our furry friends undergo subtle changes. Fall is more than just pumpkin lattes and sweater weather; it’s a crucial time for our pets’ grooming routines. Dive into this comprehensive guide to ensure your […]

Seasonal Nutrition: Adjusting Your Pet’s Diet for Autumn

As autumn descends, the cooling climate signals more than just a change in scenery; it prompts necessary adaptations in our daily routines and lifestyles. For those dedicated to the care and health of pets, this seasonal transition warrants a closer look at dietary adjustments to ensure optimal nutrition and well-being for our animals.   From […]

Festive Fall Activities: Engaging Your Pet in Autumn Fun

Fall is more than just a season; it’s a mood, a feeling, a warm embrace as the world around us undergoes a beautiful metamorphosis. As the leaves transform into vibrant hues of orange, red, and gold, the opportunities to bond with our pets increase manifold. Whether you’re a dog parent, a cat enthusiast, or even […]

How to Optimize the Check-In Experience at Your Pet Business

Pet owners have high expectations when it comes to the care and well-being of their furry companions. For businesses like yours that focus on pets, a smooth and streamlined check-in experience not only builds trust with customers but also increases the overall efficiency of your operations.  From minimizing wait times to ensuring accurate record-keeping, we’ll […]